Although firewalls can be equipped with all the security features necessary to keep bad guys at bay, they are only as effective and efficient as their management. You need a managed firewall service to get the full benefit of having a network firewall.
What is a managed firewall?
Monitoring your network can take up significant time, resources, and cost. Managed firewall services provided by SpartasnTec in Charleston SC, offer solutions that cover administration, operation monitoring, maintenance, and monitoring of your firewall infrastructure.
The managed firewall service includes an assessment of your security risks and monitoring network traffic. Any abnormal traffic patterns that are not “normal” will be detected and corrected once the we have established what normal traffic looks like.
Managed firewall solutions typically include network monitoring, set-up, maintenance and modification of firewall rules. They can include detailed analysis, reports, and feedback. Updates and patches are an integral part of the solution.
Firewalls are not plug-and-play devices. It is not possible to just install a firewall on your network perimeter and expect it to do its job. Firewall management requires extensive knowledge and constant monitoring. It is just the beginning of a long process. Do you have the staff to do the job?
Common firewall problems and complexities
Only a small portion of the complexity involved in managing a firewall is represented by the resources needed. Companies should also be aware of other less obvious issues.
Balance between security and user-friendliness
If protocols are too restrictive or don’t allow users to access specific data or applications, firewall rules can be a business inhibitor. Companies can be vulnerable to data theft and security breaches if they have access to more information than is necessary to perform their job duties.
Auditing is not necessary
Although it is a good practice to analyze firewall rules on a regular basis, many companies overlook this critical step. Don’t be one of them. Hire IT Support Charleston SC to help you.
Inability to keep pace with changing threats
The complexity of managing a firewall increases as the threat landscape changes and the company’s attack surface grows. Even though firewall rules and configurations may have been adequate weeks or months ago to block cyber threats, they are no longer effective today.
Multiple locations, multiple firewalls
All of the above complexity can be too much for one firewall, but many organizations need multiple firewalls. Each firewall is unique and requires its own configurations and rules. Each firewall can multiply the work.
Complexity of industry compliance standard
Your firewall must be PCI DSS compliant if your company accepts online payments. But, simply installing a firewall to protect your network may not make you PCI DSS-compliant. As a guideline for how firewalls should install, be updated, and be maintained compliant with PCI DSS, there are more than 20 sub-requirements.
The benefits of having a service provider manage the firewall
Working with a managed security provider (MSSP) such as SpartanTec, Inc. in Charleston SC for firewall management goes beyond the solutions and complexity outlined above.
Empowering digital transformation
As organizations adopt SaaS, hybrid cloud, IoT and public clouds, IT environments are changing. Digital transformation may be delayed because traditional security controls might not have the ability to adapt to these changing IT environments. Even worse, the transformation can be slowed down by inadequate security controls.
Monitor your network 24/7
Managed firewall services that are highly regarded will monitor and manage your firewalls from their SOC (security operation center). A fully redundant, secure SOC should be available to the MSSP. It should also have advanced security technology and emergency backup power.
Threats can be better managed by collecting data, monitoring your network traffic, and analyzing for known vulnerabilities.
Solutions customized to suit your environment
You can have your firewalls managed whether they are on-premise, cloud-based, hybrid or virtual. SpartanTec, Inc. can provide managed firewall solutions that are tailored to your network environment. Contact SpartanTec, Inc. now if you wish to know more about managed firewalls and IT services.
SpartanTec, Inc.
Charleston, SC 29407
Serving: Woodhaven, Lighthouse Point, Farmington, Lynnwood, Hillside, Oak Forest, Oceanview, Mount Pleasant, Green Acres, Northbridge
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